Recovery Road Medical Center is pleased to offer Yoga and Stress Management with Sierra Noland each Friday from 12-1:00 p.m. Sessions are free for community health care professionals and caregivers.
While stress in an unavoidable aspect of being a health care provider/caregiver, successful management of stressors and self-care help increase health care professionals/caregivers’ resilience and decrease burnout.
“Recovery Road Medical Center believes that mindfulness practices to support resiliency in the healthcare workforce is just one way to potentially help heal burnout at a personal level while simultaneously exposing medical professionals to the healing potential of yoga,” said Kelli Sullivan, Clinical Director. “We are happy to offer this program free of charge to health care professionals and caregivers in Santa Barbara”.
Recovery Road is an outpatient program that treats alcohol, drug addiction, chronic pain and mental health disorders. The center has provided coordinated medication and therapy to treat a patient’s whole health over its 13 years in business. For further information please reach out to Kelli Sullivan, MFT and Clinical Director at
(805) 962-7800 or cell (805) 252-5034. And follow us on Instagram@recoveryroadmc.